The Greatest Treasure Of All Time-Missing

Anwesh Padhi
Apr 18, 2021


Henry Avery And his Fleet

When I say the greatest treasure, I mean it. And not only it is the greatest treasure of all time but also it is missing. HOWZ THAT?? Answer- Greatest Pirate Of All Time. Read this short blog and save yourself from boredom.

You may be wondering about this strange blog in medium but nevertheless this blog may bring some excitement and change to your monotonous life.

The below article is of 1 min reading time

Check out my full article below. Default medium style is boring for this topic.

The Link to the exciting article is here:

Go check it out now and add some excitement to your life. Peace out:>)



Anwesh Padhi

An ever-curious soul with a passion for everything untried and unpaved.